12 research outputs found

    3-DOF Parallel robotics System for Foot Drop therapy using Arduino

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    This paper discusses a robotic system used for physical therapy for foot drop case, caused by brain stroke. This device provides most exercises practiced by patient for treatment at any time or any place without going to the rehabilitation center located in hospitals. The robotics system designed according to the mechanism of parallel robot and controlled by computer or microcontroller (Arduino). This robot allows the patient to do the exercise without any need for any knowledge about computer or programing. The developed robot system show a good potential to be developed and distributed for large number of physical therapy clinics with low cost and good reliability. Keywords: 3DOF Robot, Parallel Robot, Foot Drop Physical Therapy, Arduino

    Transformation of the Character's Performance in the Iraqi Theatrical Shows: The Play of Ya Hirimah as a Model

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    لقد مر أداء الممثل بعدة أوقات زمنية كان فيه الأداء متباين ما بين النصوص الغنائية والنصوص الشعرية إذ أخذ طابعاً ثابتاً نوعاً ما خاصة في البدايات الأولى لفن أداء الممثل وبظهور الواقعية انسحب الأداء صوب الحياة المعاشة وكان أكثر إقناعاً وتأثيراً وصدقاً خاصة عند (ستانسلافسكي) الذي دعا إلى مجموعة تقنيات تساعد الممثل على التحول الأدائي وتقمص الشخصية وعليه أثار الباحثان التساؤل الآتي: (هل إن آلية التحول الأدائي يوصل إلى متعة جمالية عند المتلقي), وقد وضع الباحثان هدفه بالعنوان الآتي: (آلية التحول الأدائي المتنوع عند للمثل في الشخصية), وقد تضمن البحث مبحثين؛ الأول: مراحل تطور الأداء عبر العصور, إذ تناول فيه الباحثان أهم المراحل التاريخية التي مرت على مفهوم الأداء التمثيلي منذ الإغريق إلى العصر الحديث, أما المبحث الثاني فقد جاء بعنوان آليات التحول الأدائي للشخصية وتناول فيه الباحثان أهم الأسس والتقنيات التي تساعد الممثل على عملية التحول, وقد خرج الباحثان بمجموعة من المؤشرات ثم إجراءات البحث وعينته القصدية وتحليلها كونها تحمل صفات التحول الأدائي في الشخصية المسرحية إذ اعتمد الباحثان المنهج الوصفي في دراسته لتماشيه مع مسار البحث وهدفه, وكانت أدوات البحث هي (ما أسفر عنه الإطار النظري من مؤشرات والتسجيلات والملاحظة المباشرة والوثائق) ثم خرج الباحثان بمجموعة من النتائج ومناقشتها تمخض عنها مجموعة استنتاجات ثم والتوصيات والمقترحات وأخيراً قائمة المصادر.The performance of the actor passed through several periods of time in which the performance differed between lyric texts and poetic texts, as it took a fairly stable character, especially in the early beginnings of the actor's performance and with the emergence of realism, the performance withdrew towards the lived life and was more convincing, influential and sincere, especially for (Stanislavsky) Who called for a set of techniques that help the actor to transform the performative and impersonate the personality, and accordingly the researcher raised the following question:(Does the performance transformation mechanism lead to aesthetic pleasure for the recipient), and the researcher set his goal with the following title: (the mechanism of the diverse performance transformation of the ideals in the personality), The research included two studies, the first is the stages of performance development through the ages, in which the researcher dealt with the most important historical stages that passed on the concept of representational performance from the Greeks to the modern era As for the second topic, it came under the title of the mechanisms of the performance transformation of the personality, in which the researcher dealt with the most important foundations and techniques that help the actor in the transformation process. To be consistent with the course of the research and its goal, and the research tools were (what the theoretical framework resulted in in terms of indicators, recordings, direct observation and documents). Then the researcher came up with a set of results and discussion that resulted in a set of conclusions, recommendations, proposals and finally a list of sources. &nbsp

    Intelligent Hybrid Approach for Multi Robots- Multi Objectives Motion Planning Optimization

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    Abstract: This paper proposes enhanced approach to find multi objective optimization and obstacle avoidance of motion planning problem for multi mobile robots that have to move smoothly, safely with a shorter time and minimum distance along curvature-constrained motion planning in completely known dynamic environments. The research includes two stages: the first stage is to find an multi objective optimal path and trajectory planning for each robot individually using the Enhanced GA with modified A*. The second stage consists of designing a fuzzy logic to control the movement of the robots with collision free. The global optimal trajectory is fed to fuzzy motion controller which has ability to regenerate the local trajectory of the robot based on the probability of having another dynamic robot in the area. A simulation of the strategy has been presented and the results show that the proposed approach is able to achieve multi objective optimization of motion planning for multi mobile robot in dynamic environment efficiently. Also, it has the ability to find a solution when the environment is complex and the number of obstacles is increasing. The performance of the above mentioned approach has been found to be satisfactory of dynamic obstacle avoidance

    Design and Implementation of Experiments with Real-Time Shared Architecture using Different Mobile Systems

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    In this work, we suggested a new design for internet laboratory at University of Baghdad (UoB-iLab) that can be used by the students off-campus to execute real time experiments in the on- campus laboratories at Baghdad university. The developed UoB-iLab architecture is designed to be used with limited internet bandwidth and concurrent access by users and administrators. The Arduino ® Microcontroller had been used to establish the interface platform with various laboratory devices using C and C++ programming language to control input/output signals for a specific lab device. The web interface for the system has been developed using HTML, PHP, and AJAX along with JAVA language to build graphical real-time interfaces for the experiments that can work on any operating system platform (Windows, Mac Os, Linux, Unix, BeOs) on PCs and mobile devices. Several experiments were designed to check the reliability of the suggested UoB-iLab architecture to deal with different types of input and output configurations during the real experiments session and while using several types of sensors and actuators. The suggested design of UoB-iLab can be used to implement several types of real-time experiments to improve the practical skills for engineering college students at University Of Baghdad and other Universities without the need for high resource investment

    Design and Implementation of Experiments with Real-Time Shared Architecture using Different Mobile Systems

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    A Neuro-Fuzzy Technique for the Modeling of <i>β</i>-Glucosidase Activity from <i>Agaricus bisporus</i>

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    This paper proposes a neuro-fuzzy system to model β-glucosidase activity based on the reaction’s pH level and temperature. The developed fuzzy inference system includes two input variables (pH level and temperature) and one output (enzyme activity). The multi-input fuzzy inference system was developed in two stages: first, developing a single input-single output fuzzy inference system for each input variable (pH, temperature) separately, using the robust adaptive network-based fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) approach. The neural network learning techniques were used to tune the membership functions based on previously published experimental data for β-glucosidase. Second, each input’s optimized membership functions from the ANFIS technique were embedded in a new fuzzy inference system to simultaneously encompass the impact of temperature and pH level on the activity of β-glucosidase. The required base rules for the developed fuzzy inference system were created to describe the antecedent (pH and temperature) implication to the consequent (enzyme activity), using the singleton Sugeno fuzzy inference technique. The simulation results from the developed models achieved high accuracy. The neuro-fuzzy approach performed very well in predicting β-glucosidase activity through comparative analysis. The proposed approach may be used to predict enzyme kinetics for several nonlinear biosynthetic processes